
Exam & Promotion

There can be no anticipation or postponement of any test paper. When students are ill, they should not be sent to answer any test. In case of illness, the final result will be decided on the basis of the rest of the results and the general performance during the year.
The final result is based on the average of the marks obtained in the two Terminal Examinations and Unit Tests.
In order to be declared as having passed the examination of class V & VI, a student has to obtain at least 33% marks in all the subjects of examination. (as per C.B.S.E. rules)
Wilful breach of any of the regulations for the conduct of an examination is punishable with expulsion from the examination or if subsequently discovered the cancellation of the answer script.
Results declared at the close of the year are final in all cases and will not be reconsidered.
Answer Papers of Annual Examination are not shown to the parents/guardians.
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